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First Timers to the Attakwas Extreme - Power Based - 12 week


Ideal for intermediate to advanced riders who will be racing the Attakwas Extreme for the first time. The program includes a big base period with key tips on how to prepare specifically for the heat, terrain, and length of Atta-Extreme. There will be higher intensity sessions included in the final weeks leading up to the event.


This program can also be used as a base training program for:

- Tankwa Trek Stage Race

- The Absa Cape Epic Stage Race


The underpinning element of the program is to prepare you for the Attakwas Extreme and all it's elements, which will push long tempo sets, muscle tension, threshold power, fatigue resilience, and mental grit.


Equipment needed:
- Cycling Computer/Watch that is power compatible OR 3rd Party App (Zwift) that can display power reading.


It is a progressive program that challenges the rider each week.

- 8-12 hours per week

- Includes a recovery block every 4th week.
- 1 hour to 2:30 hour workouts during the week
- Volume rides on the weekend
- 1 rest days per week (Monday)
- 2 Functional Threshold Tests


Riders will make use of power during the program


- All rides can be done outdoors or on a Smart Trainer

- First Timers who do not have a power meter on thier outdoor bike can ride weekends with Heart rate.


Before you start this program: make sure you are averaging at least 6 hours a week and including one intensity session for the last 5 weeks


NOTE* No feedback is provided on the sessions done on the program. If feedback is required, the athlete is encouraged to take a premium coaching package that will suit and fulfill that need. 


"My First" Attakwas Extreme 12 Week PWR Program

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